Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is generally safe and beneficial when performed by a trained professional
— Weis et al., 2021

The short answer is, yes, chiropractic care is safe during pregnancy when performed by a chiropractor who has training in treating and caring for pregnant patients.

Many pregnant people experience musculoskeletal pain, particularly in the lower back and pelvis, which can significantly impact daily life and the excitement of pregnancy. Despite the prevalence of these issues, treatment options are often limited. Chiropractic care, including spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), is commonly sought for relief, but some may wonder about its safety during pregnancy and postpartum.

A recent systematic review (Weis et al., 2021) examined available research on adverse events related to spinal manipulation in pregnant and postpartum individuals. The study found very few reports of serious complications. Among all the reviewed studies, only one case study reported a serious adverse event related to cervical spine manipulation, while a handful of patients experienced minor and temporary discomfort in the lower back following treatment.

Based on the available evidence, serious complications appear to be exceptionally rare (Weis et al., 2021).

Beyond safety, research suggests that chiropractic care during pregnancy may have significant benefits for both the birthing parent and the baby. Several studies have highlighted the positive effects of chiropractic care on labor duration, pain relief, and overall pregnancy comfort:

  • Dr. Joan Fallon has extensively written about prenatal and postnatal chiropractic care. In a 1993 study, she found that:

    • First-time mothers (primigravidae) who received chiropractic care had an average labor time of 8 hours, compared to 14 hours for those who did not receive care.

    • Mothers who had previously given birth (multiparous) experienced labor lasting 4-5 hours with chiropractic care, compared to 9 hours without it.

  • Diakow et al. (1991) studied 400 pregnant women and found that 84% of those who received chiropractic adjustments reported pain relief during labor. Additionally:

    • 81% of women who received chiropractic treatment during labor experienced pain relief, and 80% required less medical intervention.

    • Labor duration decreased by 24% for first-time mothers and 30% for experienced mothers who received chiropractic care.

  • Mantero & Crispini (1982) found that 75% of pregnant women reported pain relief with chiropractic care.

  • Daly et al. (1991) studied sacroiliac joint dysfunction in pregnancy and found that 10 out of 11 women treated with chiropractic care experienced pain relief and no longer showed signs of sacroiliac subluxation after treatment.

A narrative review of chiropractic care during pregnancy by Borggren (2007) analyzed 33 studies and concluded that chiropractic care is safe and effective for treating musculoskeletal symptoms in pregnant individuals.

The researchers emphasized the importance of individualized care, where chiropractors assess risk factors like joint laxity and blood clotting risks before treatment. Ultimately, these findings support the idea that chiropractic care during pregnancy is generally safe and beneficial when performed by a trained professional (Weis et al., 2021). If you’re considering chiropractic treatment while pregnant or postpartum, consult with your provider to ensure it’s the right option for you. It is important that your chiropractor has an understanding of the physiological changes a pregnant person’s body goes through during pregnancy and adapts their techniques and treatment plan to suit the individual.

References: Weis CA, Stuber K, Murnaghan K, Wynd S. Adverse events from spinal manipulations in the pregnant and postpartum periods: a systematic review and update. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2021 Apr;65(1):32-49. PMID: 34035539; PMCID: PMC8128327.

Fallon J. International Chiropractic Association. 1994 - Arlington, Virginia.

Diakow PR, Gadsby TA, Gadsby JB, Gleddie JG, Leprich DJ, Scales AM. Back pain during pregnancy and labor. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1991 Feb;14(2):116-118.

Mantero E, Crispini L. Static alterations of the pelvic, sacral, and lumbar area due to pregnancy. Chiropractic treatment.In: Mazzarelli JP, ed. Chiropractic Interprofessional Research. Torino: Edizioni Minerva Medica, 1982:59-68.

Daly JM et al. Sacroiliac Subluxation: A Common, Treatable Cause of Low-Back Pain in Pregnancy. Family Practice Research Journal 1991;11(2):149-59.

Borggren CL. Pregnancy and chiropractic: a narrative review of the literature. J Chiropr Med. 2007 Spring;6(2):70–74.


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